Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The diffrent one person

Lady Gaga taught me it’s okay to be different.

Ke$ha taught me to be myself and not care what anyone else thinks.

Bruno Mars taught me to do anything for that one person I love.

Eminem taught me that life is hard but you can make it through.

Taylor Swift taught me not every guy is going to treat me right.

Michael Jackson taught me to always love the people around me.

The Beatles taught me to live my life in peace.

Music taught me how to live.

I Want a My Life

Seeing places like:

Staying in rooms like:

Hangin out like:

With a boy like:

Being awesome like:

Wearing clothes like:

And eating food like:

my best friend and me

this is how we look like when we see a hottie:

this is how we look like when we eat:

this is how we look like when we relax:

this is how we look like when we drive to school:

this is us last year (halloween):

this is us being drunk:

this is us being sober:

this is how we look like when we get mad:

i love my best friend:


Wanita cantik itu:
:D tetap tertawa walau sebenarnya ia ingin menangis.
:) tetap tersenyum walau sbnrnya ia kecewa.
:* tetap kuat walau sbnrnya ia udh gak sanggup lagi.
;) tetap semangat walau ttekan oleh masalah.

yg terpenting :Cantik

What I learned from cartoons ?

With Lilo and Stitch, I learned the value of family and friendship;

With Tinker Bell, I learned that it is never too late to correct an error,  
With the Sleeping Beauty, I learned that when something has to happen it will happen, it may take a little time, but is it worth the wait,

With Shrek, I learned that you need not be perfect to have a happy ending
With Toy Story, I learned that no matter how much time passes, thefriendship is true, it will last forever
With SpongeBob I learned that if I believe, all my dreams can become reality, image
In Monsters Inc., I learned that friendship can happen between the most distinct people,
With Beauty and the Beast, I learned that love has nothing to do withappearance but with what exists within your heart,

My bucket list (things to do before i die)

-Go to Europe, and UK
-Masturbate on a train to Paris
-Make tattoos
-Remove tattoos
-Eat at White Castle
-Parachute from a plane
-Take serious Aikido class
-Get married only once, be a great husband to my wife, and an awesome father to my kids
-Having 1 billion in my bank account, spend half of it with my girl
-Be on a spiritual journey
-Make at least one sextape

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Klantink, Rumingkang, Hudson

Langsung aja cekidawt.. wkwkwkwk
Stasiun Balapan, Bubuy Bulan, Perahu Layar

Chord Ukulele Senar 3

oh iya, pertama - tama gue gatau apa itu ukulele, tapi setelah lihat guru gue, kayaknya keren tuh ukulele,  wkwkwkwkwk
akhirnya gue mutusin untuk beli ukulele, dan masih gak pandai. Nih gue share chordnya ukulele

Mohon maaf sebelumya, gambar ini baru dibikin tadi pakai Otongsop. Jadi kalau jelek dan kurang jelas maupun kesalahan saya mohon maaf. Kalau ada salah-salah kasih tahu saya biar bisa segera dibenerin. Takutnya malah makin menyesatkan para pengunjung. Kalau bener ya syukur deh, semoga berguna.

Di bawah ini penampakan kunci atau chord kentrung senar 3 tersebut. Jujur saja, saya masih agak bingung kunci F sama B. Semoga saja bener, kalau ada yang tahu jangan lupa dihare. Kalau kurang besar tinggal klik untuk memperbesar ukuran
Sudah puas? Kalau sudah ya syukur (kalau belum ya penderitaan lo). Tapi kalau ada salah-salah saya mohon maaf. Kasih tahu salahnya dimana biar bisa segera dibenerin. Referensi artikel Kunci Kentrung Senar 3 ini : pengalaman, temen dan beberapa musisi jalanan. Wassalam...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

25 Things

1. Make you smile when you are down
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice
3. Stick up to you, but still respect your independence
4. Give you the remote control everytime we watch tv
5. Come up behind you and put my arms around you
6. Play with your hair
7. My hand will always find your hand
8. Be cute when i really want something
9. Offer you plenty of massages
10. Dance with you, even if i feel like a dork
11. Never run out of love
12. Be funny, but know when to be serious
13. Realize im being funny when i need to be serious
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready
15. React so cutely when you hit me, though it actually hurts
16. Smile a lot
17. Plan a romantic date full of things i wouldnt normally do because i know it means a lot to you
18. Appreciate you
19. Help others out
20. Drive for hours just to see you
21. Always give you a kiss when you leave, even when my friends are watching
22. Sing even if i cant
23. Always try to make you laugh
24. Stare at you
25. Call for no reason

pada ngerti gak ?? wkwkwkwwkwk

I Like

-midnite drive
-midnite calls
-dibangunin (by the right person)
-free stuff, free samples, free free free
-naik motor berdua sama cewek
-tall buildings
-strangers to talk to
-anak kecil
-going to places
-comeback home reeeaaaalllly late
-listen to stories
-stay up late, wake up early

I Hate

-asep rokok
-motor/mobil yang menghalangi jalan
-dateng telat
-ingkar janji
-lupa bawa sesuatu dan sadar pas jalan udah lumayan jauh
-gak punya duit
-gak punya pulsa
-ada yang mau cerita trus bilang "gak jadi"
-banyak nyamuk dikamar
-lupa naro sesuatu
-kebelet pipis