Sunday, December 26, 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Saturday, November 6, 2021


blowing up his phone i know i'm trippin' for no reason

she gon' call it crazy but i say i call it fiendin'

she don't want no other hoe's cause that lil shit too easy

know i talk a lot of shit but he know i don't mean it

Thursday, October 7, 2021

this kind of silence

this wont be enough
all of our conclutions
silence pulls us further
but we both have much to say

but words are like knives
they will cut us deep
but who will survive?
we dont want to see

leave it all behind
tell me what you want
‘cause i wont mind

i wont mind.
this will take some time
i’m willing to compromise
put aside the pride
and put the bottle down

one word
and i will be relieved
talk back
it’s just fine with methis wont be enough
all of our conclutions
silence pulls us further
but we both have much to say

Monday, August 23, 2021

i might be

make a few changes by taking every chances
should i keep my hands down
i cant find the words to say to you and everything keeps going
on and on and on and on

i wish i could stay to say

i can be a miracle
who can guide and save you from the world outside
i can take you with me
to the place where we belong

i will taste every moments with you
cause every second counts

try to make it easier
someday i will have to set you free
i know you would fly into the sky

i wish i could stay to say

i can be a miracle
who can guide and save you from the world outside
i can take you with me
to the place where we belong

i’m going nowhere
try to make it easier
i’m going nowhere

2 steps north 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


jujur aja selama ppkm ini idup kok jadi bosen bgt asli, dimana-mana pada tutup apa-apa tutup jalan jg ditutupin
cape bgt kyk ngerasa bosen aja mau ngapain selain kerja
mau ke luar kota aja susah bgt minta ampun, harus inilah harus itulah jujur cape bgt di taun ini 2021
klo bisa ngeluh ya cuman disini aja, dimana lg tempatku mengeluh
tp gapapa kita ambil hikmanya aja, yang terpenting mah wuhan anjing bangsatttttt
sekian ngeluh hari ini

Sunday, August 8, 2021

dummy aug

bulan dimana yang awalnya saja sudah sangat tidak mengenakan hati dan perasaan

semoga untuk kedepannya lebih baik dan cepat terselesaikan untuk masalah yang dihadapi

ketika dunia sudah sangat chaos

Friday, July 30, 2021

sebuah kicauan

mendapatkan orang yang benar tepat sangat susah

dapat yang sefrekuensi, asik, nyambung namun beda kota

ada yang sekota namun tidak sefrekuensi

dan tahan cuman beberapa bulan saja lalu di ghosting

capek banget klo kayak gini terus 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

blue pickuplines


if you were a tshirt
i will tumble dry low
if you were a shoe
i will not forget to tie
if you were a tv show
i will not change the channel
if you were a fancy clothes
i will wear you to the prom
if you were my girlfriend,
i will be a happier guy.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

sebuah jari tengah dan jari telunjuk

pernah sadar gak, kalo lo acungkan jari tengah keatas, jari telunjuk lo kearah mana?


kebencian cuma membawamu kebawah, bahkan tidak bisa membawamu sejajar dengan hal yang kamu benci.

sekarang dengan jari tengah diatas, naikkan juga jari telunjuk.

kemana arahnya sekarang?


bawa kebencianmu menjadi sesuatu yang akan membuatmu kearah yang lebih baik, berdamailah dengan mereka.

hello from me!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


i'm going back to 505
if it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
in my imagination, you're waiting lying on your side
with your hands between your thighs
stop and wait a sec
when you look at me like that, my darlin', what did you expect?
i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
or I did last time I checked
not shy of a spark
the knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
frightened by the bite, though it's no harsher than the bark
the middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start
but I crumble completely when you cry
it seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye
i'm always just about to go and spoil a surprise
take my hands off of your eyes too soon


Monday, May 10, 2021


it was fun hanging with the coolest/laid back friends from co-workers. too bad i didn't take much pictures cuz i want to go:(

but it was fun:)

Friday, May 7, 2021

find "i"

-9. -9
-7i> -21u
-7. -7

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

somethin to write home about

Mother and father, I know you know i'm having a good time
i'm sleeping so little but i'm living the good life
no need to worry got a place to lay my head down no need to worry i got a place to sleep.