Monday, August 23, 2021

i might be

make a few changes by taking every chances
should i keep my hands down
i cant find the words to say to you and everything keeps going
on and on and on and on

i wish i could stay to say

i can be a miracle
who can guide and save you from the world outside
i can take you with me
to the place where we belong

i will taste every moments with you
cause every second counts

try to make it easier
someday i will have to set you free
i know you would fly into the sky

i wish i could stay to say

i can be a miracle
who can guide and save you from the world outside
i can take you with me
to the place where we belong

i’m going nowhere
try to make it easier
i’m going nowhere

2 steps north 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


jujur aja selama ppkm ini idup kok jadi bosen bgt asli, dimana-mana pada tutup apa-apa tutup jalan jg ditutupin
cape bgt kyk ngerasa bosen aja mau ngapain selain kerja
mau ke luar kota aja susah bgt minta ampun, harus inilah harus itulah jujur cape bgt di taun ini 2021
klo bisa ngeluh ya cuman disini aja, dimana lg tempatku mengeluh
tp gapapa kita ambil hikmanya aja, yang terpenting mah wuhan anjing bangsatttttt
sekian ngeluh hari ini

Sunday, August 8, 2021

dummy aug

bulan dimana yang awalnya saja sudah sangat tidak mengenakan hati dan perasaan

semoga untuk kedepannya lebih baik dan cepat terselesaikan untuk masalah yang dihadapi

ketika dunia sudah sangat chaos