Wednesday, December 27, 2023

after heartbreak

you may not know right where you're going, but i do

and all the times you wasn't chosen, well, i'll make it up to you

all of the feelings you're not showing

when your river's overflowing

it's the truth, swear to you

and all that you are, i do

my single line of stars in noon

reflection of the very moon, i do

show my love for you

Friday, November 10, 2023

i'm sick of u

i'm scared

it feels like you don't care

enlighten me, my dear

why am I still here?

in the back of my mind

you died

and I didn't even cry

no, not a single tear

and I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive

i hate you rini

Sunday, October 22, 2023

can i show my love for you?

sometimes what's the purpose to life, i sit and wonder.

i really honestly feel so lonely.

i can be around a lot of people and still feel alone .

i just wonder will anyone ever care for me like i do for them.

i don't know what i've done in life to be depressed like this.

that why i always come back to this song and listen to it to remember.

no one will love you if you don't love you.

yourself first.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

to u

how could my day be bad when i'm with you?

you're the only one who makes me laugh

so how can my day be bad?

it's a day for you

how could my day be bad when i'm with you?

you're the only one who gives me love

so how can my day be bad?

it's a day for you

Sunday, August 13, 2023


Jangan memaksakan sesuatu kehendak kalo emangorangnya gamau, klo dipaksain nantinya malah down. Kerjaan udah enak-enak, malah dikasi kerjaan yang bikin ga betah di kantor, mau ngusir secara halus apa gimana sih? Kalo emang kayak gitu, dosa sih. 


Saturday, July 15, 2023


May your birthday be as spectacular as you are, babe. Many happy returns of the day. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!

Happy birthday Rini!

Friday, July 7, 2023

my heart belongs to you

i may not be as honest as a prophet
but you know my feeling for you is always real

i may not be as bright as the sun
but i can get you through dark days

i was once broken like Hirosima
until you helped me built back my pillars like Rome

i'am your empire
and this is your throne


Saturday, June 17, 2023


stop looking for the right girl, try to be the right guy

Friday, June 9, 2023


i've been infected with restless whispers and cheats
that manifested in words and the lies that you speak

because I played the fool for you

i'm hearing static, you're like an automatic
you just wanna keep me on repeat and hear me crying.

just gonna get my back.

nocturnal, nocturnal, nocturnal, nocturnal

my shadow doesn't show in the dark
the night time is inclined to my heart
the emptiness I felt from the start
will follow me 'till I fall apart

Thursday, May 11, 2023

passing by

i'm ready to conquer the world
a world of my own, hidden below my deepest thought
a world of thought that always been haunting me
a world of ambition, not hatred
a world of changes and chances
a world of hopes, not dreams
not just joy, tears nor fear
beyond that, there's a ghost waiting to be rejuvinate
this soul will someday conquer all my fear
and balance my joy and tears to maintain a head-straight every time i pass thru


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

25 things if u be my gf

1. Make you smile when you are down
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice
3. Stick up to you, but still respect your independence
4. Give you the remote control everytime we watch tv
5. Come up behind you and put my arms around you
6. Play with your hair
7. My hand will always find your hand
8. Be cute when i really want something
9. Offer you plenty of massages
10. Dance with you, even if i feel like a dork
11. Never run out of love
12. Be funny, but know when to be serious
13. Realize im being funny when i need to be serious
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready
15. React so cutely when you hit me, though it actually hurts
16. Smile a lot
17. Plan a romantic date full of things i wouldnt normally do because i know it means a lot to you
18. Appreciate you
19. Help others out
20. Drive for hours just to see you
21. Always give you a kiss when you leave, even when my friends are watching
22. Sing even if i cant
23. Always try to make you laugh
24. Stare at you
25. Call for no reason

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


i still love you sampe kapanpun 

cuma bedanya sekarang udah ga ngejar lagi

udah males juga

lebih ke merelakan aja 

bahwa emang mungkin gabisa sama-sama lagi

tp balik lagi ke kalimat pertama ya.

-loveu ubits

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

one in a million

all i wanna be is with you
all i think about is you
you told me less is more
i miss you more and more and more
is it wrong for me to feel
all the hope that's so surreal
if what I feel is wrong
then I prefer that I stay guilty as long
as I'm with you

-love xoxo <3

Monday, February 20, 2023


Finally kerjaan baru, teman baru, koneksi baru, tempat baru. Bisa jadi tempat yang baru buat lanjutkan semangat yang sebelumnya pudar.

Semoga makin betah kedepannya!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


tepat pada tanggal 20 desember saya resign dikantor yang tidak layak untuk kerja, dan suasana yang sangat tidak
sehat. dimana untuk ijin sakit saja di persulit, jika memang seperti itu harusnya perusahaan seperti itu tidak ada dan jangan ada. dari manajer sampai team leader juga sangat tidak kooperatif. disalah-salahkan semuanya makin tidak jelas. semoga untuk para petinggi tersebut kena karmanya. 

dari yang kerja rodi, sampai tidak menghormati para wanita. sangat tidak etis seperti itu, memperlakukan karyawan tidak sepatutnya perusahan seperti itu. 

kantor paling sampah.

Sunday, January 1, 2023