Thursday, December 20, 2012

the worst thing of this all

Regular Show are (+twitter)

Drums: @flashdick
Bass: @Jmonomusic
Guitar: @katadochi
Voc: @alexalxa
Engineers : @SAEjakarta

I thought the rain will wash away
All that has been said and made
I thought this time that you would stay

But here i stand just to watch you fade
Every night and every day you took my breath away

Do you wanna know the worst thing of this all?
You were the best i've had so far
Cause every song and every word
I just can't keep my mind
Do you wanna know the worst thing of this all?
You were the best i've had so far
Cause every song and every word
I just can't keep my mind off you

I hope you can still smell the scent of my skin
Oh i wish we could still make it up and kiss
Victoria secret, your favourite potion
If only there's not too much action

If it's space you need here have my galaxy
And my whole world i dedicate to you

Thursday, December 13, 2012

This is my truth.

I miss you when something really good happens, because you are the one I want to share it with.
I miss you when I laugh, because I know that you are the one that makes my laughter grow.

I miss you all the time, but I miss you most when I lay awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other. For those were some of the best times of my life.

I miss your smile. Eventhough I know it’s not for me.

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.

I still think about you.

I still want you here.

And yes,

it still hurts.

So I need you,

to understand.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What do you know about the date?

Hari ini saya akan menge post tentang tanggal yang menurut orang-orang itu bagus, seperti tanggal sekarang ini yaitu 12.12.12. yang dimaksud saya sekarang ini. sometimes he can be a nice date to continue to be dijadiin kenangan terindah. haha!

Dan itulah.... Sekian sedikit info dan menuhin post aja sih, biar banyak. hehe....

Friday, December 7, 2012

Like a Hipster?

Akhir-akhir ini banyak yang ngebahas tentang Hipster. Terutama di socmed kayak twitter atau  facebook, dan gue sering banget nemu kata Hipster.
Tapi sebelum gue ikut-ikutan nge-tweet tentang hipster, gue pengen tau hipster itu apa sih sebenernya?

Hipster adalah istilah yang sering digunakan untuk merujuk kepada subkultur muda, dewasa baru menetap kelas menengah perkotaan dan remaja yang lebih tua. Penggunaan istilah muncul pada 1990-an dan berlanjut hingga saat ini. Subkultur dikaitkan dengan musik independen, sensibilitas non-mainstream busana bervariasi, dan gaya hidup alternatif.

yang tadi dapet di Wikipedia :)
Jadi, singkatnya sih hipster itu buat mereka yang mengikuti trend paling baru!

Terus ciri-ciri hipster itu apa aja sih?
Gue kasih tau ya, ciri-ciri hipster itu :

1. Gak mau disamain sama yang lain
    Hipster gak mau disamain sama yang lain karena mereka anti mainstream, ngerasa yang paling beda. Sebenernya sih kalo emang udah "beda" gak tau dari segi musik, fashion atau apa sih oke-oke aja.

2. Barang-barang hipster biasanya mahal
     Sebenernya nggak semua sih, soalnya udah ada barang tembakaan alias KW-nya. Tapi sebagai hipster yang asli barang2 hipster biasanya mahal. Mahal kenapa? Soalnya branded. Jadi itu kenapa banyak hipster yang dari kalang kelas atas.

3. Selera musiknya beda sama yang lain
     Biasanya gak suka sama musik yang dianggap kampungan atau ketinggalan zaman. Lebih suka musik-musik pop/pop punk gitu.

4. Makanan yang lagi ngetrend
     Sesuai definisinya hipster selalu ngikutin trend, jadi makanan pun harus up to date. Contohnya rainbow cake, red velvet, sushi. Tapi keliatannya emang enak sih itu makanan.


The all seeing eye

Triangular Pyramid is a Pyramid over there near the end of the eye, which symbolizes prosperity conspiracy against his own people and it makes the people who do not know to know, because if you are not strong in his own religious faith would be fatal, and will be the eyes of the followers. This Pentagon.

if you want more? Check this

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cara cepet move on

Tips gue agar biar bisa cepet move on, klo gak mau di ikutin juga nggak apa-apa...

Gimana sih caranya biar bisa cepet move on?

=> move on gak segampang itu sih tapi menurut gue move on itu ada 4. Yang pertama itu kebelet move on, kebelelet move on itu adalah orang yang belum putus tapi dia udah gak sabar pengen cepet-cepet move on. Yang kedua terpaksa move on karna udah di move onnin duluan. Yang ketiga itu ada lupa move on mungkin karna udah lama putus tapi masih keinget-inget mantannya akhirnya dia lupa buat move on. Yang terakhir itu ada pura-pura move on, jadi dia lagi deket sama orang baru akhirnya dia pura-pura udah bisa move on supaya dia bisa diterima dengan gebetan yang baru.

Biar cepet move on biasanya ngapain sih?

=> Biasanya sih dengerin lagu. Klo lagu move on yang gue suka sih the man who can't be moved kali ya. Soalnya move on sebenernya gampang diucapinnya doang sih, tapi buat diakuinnya susah banget.

Nih klo mau dengerin lagunya :

Lirik yang gue suka paling suka nih pas reffnya :

Cause’ if one day you wake up
and find that your missing me
and your heart starts to wonder
where on this earth I could be,
Thinking maybe you’d come back here
to the place that we’d meet
Then you’d see me waiting for you
on the corner of the street,
So I’m not moving
I’m not moving

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gajadi ngepost.

Disaat internet menjadi lemot.. semua aktivitas di internet pun jadi kacau gitu gabisa ngapa-ngapain.. jadi cuma bisa twitteran, facebook, sama skypean doang (termasuk Blogspot juga) hehehe...

Bingung mau ngomongin apalagi jadi, apa yah? Okedeh kita bicarain tentang cowo sama cewe :D Jadi gini misalnya yah seorang cowo menyukai seorang cewe, trus si cewenya ini gasuka tuh sama si cowo... tp cowonya ini gamau kehilangan sama cewe yang dia kejar.. trus si cowonya ini ngejar terus sampe cewe itu mau jadi pacarnya.. tp cewe itu tetep ga peduli. Di twitter di mensyen sama cowo itu, dibales sih tapi balesnya nyesek banget ato ga nusuklah yah istilahnya.. Ketika ketemuan si cowonya gatau mau ngomong apaan, soalnya cowo itu gemeteran klo ketemu sama cewe yang dia suka. Bener gak? :p

Itulah endingnya... Jadi jangan nyesel yah bacanya :) okayy  :DD

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Awkward Moment When Love Makes A Person Crazy

song by Aditya Aji
lyric by Ginavashti Fayi

you make me fall so deep in love
until my heart just cannot see the light of life
you changed everything and you know that it all take my breath away
words keep telling the truth bout how amazing you are
tell me how to reach?
tell me how to get myself in to you?

i'll show you how deep my feeling is
you're the one who i always dreaming of
nothing can compare with you're beautiful smile
words keep telling the truth bout how amazing you are
i just can't imagine how life would be without you?
hey girls, tell me how to get myself in to you?

you passed me by, and give me that smile
i swear you blow my mind
how can i reach you?
hey girls, look at me
what else can i do to make you believe?

i keep telling myself i won't fall for you but you're dream comes true
please don't tell me how to move on but tell me how to be with you
just tell me what to do and i'll do it all just for you
i promise this is true, with no lies, i say i love you 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fluktuasi Glukosa

lyrics and song by Dochi Sadega

saat terbaik dalam hidupku adalah
dengan kamu
tetaplah disini semua kenang

hitam putih atau berwarna
gelap terang siang dan malam

tetaplah disini semua kenang
genggam tanganku sayang

hitam putih atau berwarna
gelap terang siang dan malam

ini pertama kali ku gunakan kata “cinta”
dalam lagu tentang aku dan dia
semua ? terjawab dengan
( :
singkat kata ku bahagia

dengar jantung ini berdetak untukmu
berlutut ku meraih jari manismu
kugenggam tanganmu
you know that i love you so much
dengar jantung ini berdebar untukmu
berlutut ku meraih jari manismu
kugenggam tanganmu
you know that i love you so much

ini pertama kali ku gunakan kata “cinta”
dalam lagu tentang aku dan dia
semua ? terjawab dengan
( :
singkat kata ku bahagia

Someday, you'll know

"I will always be the man you need, for better or worse, for happy and sorrow till the die that i die"
-Aji Aditya

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Date Night

I wear this shirt like you know when
can’t believe it’s date night all over again
soaked my body with a nice bath foam
just in case tonight we’ll get some

Do you know what keeps me waiting?
I just can’t resist those eyes
do you know what keeps me wanting more?
your eyes, and your touch, and your perfect smile
Im just a man and not a knight
yea when there’s nothing left to fight
im just a man and not knight
don’t wanna sleep alone tonight
Watching cars go by, sitting by the porch
wishing one of them was yours
and when you feel the room’s too cold
just dim the lights and im all yours
Do you know what keeps me waiting?
I just can’t resist those eyes
do you know what keeps me wanting more?
your eyes, and your touch, and your perfect smile
Im just a man and not a knight
yea when there’s nothing left to fight
im just a man and not knight
don’t wanna sleep alone tonight
One day dear,
you’ll understand,
it’s not the sleep that keeps me dreaming
it’s always you that keeps me dreaming

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


"i will never be the same without you standing next to me, i will always be the man you need for better or worse for happy and sorrow till the day that i die."
-Dochi Sadega 

Takkan Berhenti

Hey cantik, mengapa kau ragu ragu. Hatiku, sudah kuberikan untukmu.
Hey cantik, coba dengar baik baik. diriku, sudah sangat mencintaimu.
Dan bila kau jauh, aku merindukanmu. Dan bila kau dekat, tak kulepaskan.
Takkan berhenti, mencintaimu hingga nafasku berhenti. Dan bila esok kan tiba, cinta selalu ada. Aku berjanji padamu, ku takkan pernah berhenti.
Aku berjanji padamu, ku takkan pernah berhenti.

Singkawang Holiday

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year

Awesome january, february beautiful, preferably March, April suspenseful, mei loved, June succesfull, powerful july, August fresh, independent september, october fantastic, amazing november, and december happiest. trumpets blow again. Hopefully in 2012 we can be more successful than the year - last year.